Delicious Recipes

Simply Balanced Meals

Simple, balanced recipes for the whole family

Easy-to-make dishes

easy-to-find ingredients

Time-saving, meal prep Tips

  • Where it all started…

    Hi, I’m Sarah! Welcome to Simply Balanced Meals! I’ve always had a passion for writing. I spent many hours creating stories at an early age that I would force my whole family to read. My mother and grandmother both have a passion for cooking and baking, which they thankfully have passed on to me. This blog, for me, is a place that I can share both my passions with each of you.

    My goal is simple: share easy-to-make, balanced recipes that help to make cooking fun for the whole family!

    Food and I have always had a tough relationship. When our relationship is positive, I find myself in the kitchen every day, excited to make my next recipe. However, there are days where food and eating has felt like a chore. I’ve never been a fan of chores, and often procrastinate when I know I need to do something. Within the past few years, I had unexpectedly lost weight and have needed to work with a nutritionist to make sure I am staying well-nourished. This has, in many ways, made eating feel like a chore again. I have to be very aware of what I am eating and buying, and the amount of protein or calories that are in my meals. This really took the fun out of cooking and eating, and I knew that I needed to find that fun again or I risk creating a toxic relationship with food.

    Much like we force ourselves to go to the gym because we know it will make us feel better, I forced myself back into the kitchen. I spent Sundays planning my meals for the week, so when dinner time rolled around I wasn’t saying “I don’t know what to make so I’ll just grab a frozen meal.” (However, I’m still a big fan of frozen meals every once in awhile!). What made this all easier was finding meals that were easy to make and had easy to find ingredients. I’m a big fan of meals that can be dumped into a crockpot or prepped in less than 30 minutes (even if it then goes in the oven for an hour).

    This whole story is to hopefully highlight how this blog can work for you. The recipes I share will hopefully be fun, and include ingredients that are easy to find. Most will be quick to make (or quick to prep), but I may throw in some longer recipes for a Saturday night when you may have more time and energy to spend in the kitchen. The idea of simply, balanced meals is that not only are the meals being made simple and nutritionally balanced. The recipes are also made so that you can simply balance the many aspects of your life (work, social, family, emotional, etc).

    So, on that note….let’s get started! I can’t wait to see what you make and celebrate all of your simply balanced accomplishments with you.